What is Buffettucation?
Buffettucation is educating oneself through the wisdom of Warren Buffett. I consider myself to be an avid student and I believe that he has a lot to teach us; not only in investing strategies, but he also has great advice on how one should live one's life. I was truly amazed and have learned to respect him a great deal the more I learn from him. He is truly a great businessman, a great investor and philanthropist and a terrific person.
Who is the audience?
Anyone really. The more readers and contributors, the better.
A student to investing.
A student of Warren Buffett.
A student of business.
A student of economics and finance.
A student of philanthropy.
A student of value investing.
A blogger, reader....anyone.
What is the purpose of this blog?
This blog is to educate ourselves in the philosophies of investing, philanthropy and life through videos of Warren Buffett. We will focus on the many available video lectures online and analyze each video in a collaborative manner through the community of readers and fans of his common sense and simplistic methods. The direction the blog takes, all depends on the community and I am excited to see what it evolves into. I know there are many students of Warren Buffett out there and my goal is to learn as much as I can and share my own insights and analysis of his various lectures and talks.
My personal belief is to make investing as simple as possible. This has brought me to follow the philosophy of Warren Buffett, who breaks investing down to a simple process.
How should we invest?
1. Invest in great businesses that you understand. (Circle of Competence)
2. Look for businesses with a strong competitive advantage. (Wide Moat)
3. Look for businesses that are highly profitable and has great future economics. (Generates a lot of free cash)
4. Look for businesses with excellent management. (Managers with integrity)
5. Buy good businesses at a good price. (Buy great businesses at reasonable discounts to their intrinsic value)
These are the main principles he focuses on and that I try to learn from.
Examples would include Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble and American Express; three of the largest holdings in his portfolio of companies. It seems to be really obvious how these companies fit that profile.
American Express
You have a general idea of the direction of this blog. Stay posted for more articles.
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Love, peace and money.
What are some of your current opinions of Warren Buffett?
I hope to hear from some of you. Any angle suits me fine.
What are my opinions of mr. buffet? hmm...well I cannot say that i know the man's life story or that I have read all of his books but I can say that through the lectures and interviews I have watched, he amazes me. He is an older man now and is a prime example of the absolute success of his investing philosophy which I believe in as well. Not only are his views solely based on finances and on numbers but he also incorporates his personal views. For instance, he once said,
"It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction."
There is no doubt that friends and associates contribute to a greater learning. It is something that can be applied not only to an expanding knowledge of finance but in one's general life as well.
My current opinion of Warren Buffet is very limited. I need to learn more about him and read more about him to develop a credible opinion of him. From what I have read and seen thus far, he is truly disciplined and smart. I hope to continue my buffetucation diligently so that I can utilize his philosophies to shape my own philosophy in stock investing.